Teeth whitening Kits vs Charcoal Teeth whitening kits

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Teeth whitening Kits  vs Charcoal Teeth whitening kits

 Over recent years teeth whitening kits have become evermore popular, and the desire for consumers to attain an improved appearance  has soared. There is more accessibility with most cosmetics and beauty enhancing treatments being available either, online or at a fraction of the price, in comparison to 10 years ago. Consumers have a plethora of options available when it comes to teeth whitening kits, but what is the best option? What will give the Overall best results? well, this quite simply comes down to the results that you are trying to achieve. 

Teeth whitening products can be broken down into two categories, those that work and those that do not, all joking aside, some products simply do not do what they say on the tin, which is to whiten teeth. Charcoal Teeth whitening kits have become very popular in recent years. However, it’s important to differentiate between teeth whitening and stain removal, can Charcoal really whiten or can it only remove stains?

Can charcoal whiten teeth?

Teeth whitening kits

Firstly we need to understand the structure of teeth and how stains interact with the surface of the tooth. Firstly its important to know that the tooth is actually the hardest structure in the body, but this does not mean that they are impervious to stains and discolouration. Enamel is the first layer of the tooth and the hardest. Enamel also contains the highest percentage of minerals in the body, and is comprised of calcium phosphate, which is a hard mineral. The next layer is dentine, similarly to Enamel, dentine can become stained, due to the micro tubes, stains can penetrate into the surface of the tooth, causing discolouration. The very nature of dentine can contribute to the overall discolouration or yellowing of the teeth, as dentine is yellow in colour and can be visible from within the tooth surface  if enamel becomes thin, and the enamel can also become stained by any food, drinks and life style choices. So which product will be the best?

As we discussed previously there are two types of stains, stains which occur on the surface of the tooth (extrinsic), and stains  that occurred within the tooth (intrinsic). Surface stains can be made up  of plaque deposits that can become discoloured, or they can be comprised or stains from food and drinks like red, wine coffee  tomato based foods, and smoking, these are the kind of substances that stain the surface of the tooth.

Charcoal Teeth whitening kits consist of treated powder that is brushed onto the teeth, and, the claim is that the Charcoal whitens the teeth. But is it possible that Charcoal can whiten teeth? If we look at the components, charcoal is mainly made up of Carbon from the burning of wood, this gives a rough and semi abrasive texture, which, when applied to a tooth brush and rubbed against the surface of the tooth may remove plaque and stained plaque, which is on the surface of the tooth. Whilst the powder may remove surface plaque stains, it cannot change the colour of the tooth surface, if you want to enhance the colour of your teeth then you will need to use Teeth whitening Kits 

How do Teeth whitening Kits work?

At Think Bizzle and Smile our Teeth whitening Kits use Carbamide Peroxide gel, this is considered a perfect compound for at home kits. The reason for this is that the gel reacts  directly with the surface stains and the internal stains,  once in the mouth,Carbamide Peroxide  works  by the process of oxidation, this process works on the surface stains by breaking them down and then bleaching the colour of the stains to white, which vastly improves the overall colour of the tooth.  The contrast between Charcoal Teeth whitening kits and  traditional Teeth whitening kits, is that not one does the latter bleaches surface stains, Carbamide peroxide  can penetrate the the enamel to whiten the dentine, this is a major factor and benefit in regards to actually changing the colour of the tooth, this will not be possible with Charcoal, you cannot change the colour of the dentine or the enamel.  Therefore you will only be able to remove surface stains, and not whiten the tooth.

Whilst Carbamide Peroxide gel bleaches the stains, it actually works on removing plaque that cannot be removed by brushing, as well as changing the colour of  the enamel from its natural colour, in addition to removing  internal stains that distort the colour of the tooth.

There are many factors that may lead you to choose Charcoal Teeth whitening kits over Teeth whitening Kits , as they both have very different properties. However if you want white teeth or to improve, or change the colour of your teeth, then there is only one option as far as we are concerned, and thats Teeth whitening Kits, click here to check out what we offer.