Teeth whitening foods

There has always been that advice to avoid black coffee, dark berries and red wine when striving for pearly whites.

Although, the question comes into play of which foods are natural teeth whiteners:


The chief component in strawberries is malic acid acting as a natural astrigent that will remove any tooth discolouration.

Seeds and nuts

Chewing nuts and seeds, that are actually slightly abrasive, will rubs off the plaque and stains off the surface of your teeth. Almonds are particularly good as they are full of healthy fats and protein.


As onions are colourless, they do not cause any surface stains on the teeth – also, after eating onions you will be more likely to brush your teeth that will be a surefire way of getting whiter teeth.


Biting into apples is quite beneficial for your teeth. The fruits’ crispiness is a form of strengthening gums, also the high water content increases the amount of saliva produced into your mouth, dispersing and neutralizing any colonies of bacteria that can lead to bad breath and plaque.

Celery and carrots

These high water vegetables are not only good for the production of saliva, but they are also great for your waistline.


By including small pieces of raw broccoli into your lunch, those florets will act as a sort of toothbrush that will scrub the surface of your teeth.


The citrus acid in an orange can make your teeth whiter, however is can erode tooth enamel so it suggested to help yourself to an orange every once in a while.


Although not a food, drinking between sipping glasses of wine and when eating pigmented foods will help prevent any staining, maintaining your teeth’s whiteness.

Milk and yoghurt

Both dairy products are teeth superfoods. As they both contain high calcium content that strengthens teeth, it also makes the enamel healthier and whiter.

Please visit our website for further information about teeth whitening and the home teeth whitening kits we stock!

Teeth Whitening: FAQ

Teeth whitening is largely becoming popular across the country however, there are questions that arise along with the demand for whiter teeth.

What is it?

Teeth whitening is cosmetic treatment that involves the bleaching of the teeth to lighten them, thus making them more desirable and appealing.
It cannot change the colour to a brilliant, bright white, but it does lighten the existing colour several shades.

Who can perform teeth whitening?

The treatment falls into the category of dentistry and should be performed by a dentist or any other regulated dental professional, i.e. dental hygienist or a dental therapist on the prescription of a dentist.

There are home kits available, which we offer, however it’s advised to consult with a professional before doing so.

Can any dentist whiten teeth?

It is possible for any dentist to whiten teeth, provided they are registered with the General Dental Council.
There are available registered dental hygienists and therapists that are able to conduct the treatment on the prescription of a dentist.

Can teeth be whitened on the NHS?

Teeth can only be whitened on the NHS if there is a medical reason involved,
An example could be the solution to a dead nerve in the tooth, thus leading to lightening the teeth.

Teeth whitening is often carried out by a dentist privately, as it is considered a cosmetic treatment. Costs will vary – laser whitening will cost more than professional bleaching.

How would you go about getting teeth whitening?

Enquire at your dentist and they should be able to advise you whether teeth whitening is the right option for you. In some cases, teeth whitening might not be suitable, especially if a person has crowns or suffers from gum disease.

Is it permanent?

This chemical enhancement is not a permanent solution. It can, however, last from a few months, up to two to three years, but this depends on the individual.
The whitened teeth won’t last long if an individual smokes or drinks (red wine, tea or coffee) on a regular basis.

Will it work on false teeth?

Teeth whitening will not work on crowns, dentures, fillings or veneers.

Are there risks?

Regardless of the teeth whitening treatment that is used, there is a possibility that gums may be sensitive to the chemicals applied to the teeth when whitening, especially if those teeth are already quite sensitive.

Please visit our website for further information about teeth whitening, the home kits and gels we offer and why you should choose Think Bizzle and Smile!

A brief history of teeth whitening

As the growth of the request for teeth to be whitened continues, the question comes into play of where this enhancement originally begun.

Through centuries of trial and error, we are at the current age where teeth whitening is a common request and is carried out swiftly, safely and has great benefits.

The Egyptians were known for their various beautification techniques and it was around that time they decided to create a teeth whitening paste from a ground together pumice stone and wine vinegar (whiter teeth marked as a sign of beauty and wealth).  Although the concoction was effective for whitening teeth, it did an immense amount of damage to the teeth – the stone cutting abrasions into the tooth’s thin enamel and the acid from the vinegar would rot away the teeth.

Learning from the Egyptian method, the Romans devised a way of whitening teeth without needing a stone.
Their solution wasn’t any better, however, as they resorted to using their own urine. The ammonia from the urine acted as an effective bleaching agent, although it isn’t advised.

Moving on from the urine method, the Middle Ages through to the Age of Enlightenment would have visited their barbers – who, at the time, were also teeth experts – and would have their teeth filed down in preparation for the application of whitening acid.
Similar to the Egyptian method, the acid was whitening teeth, however, it was simultaneously eroding the enamel away, thus leading to tooth decay.

There was also the issue of ‘chew sticks’, the name given to the chewing of small twigs that would scrape of particles of the teeth.

Fast forward to the current method of teeth whitening, using hydrogen or carbamide peroxide, which was actually stumbled upon.
Either chemical had been used as an oral antiseptic for the gums; dentists developed a gel formula to keep it on the teeth for a longer period of time and discovered the teeth gradually whitening, as a result.
Thus, a safe, smooth way to whiter teeth was born!

Please visit our website to view our range of teeth whitening kits and gels.

teeth bleaching kits

Teeth whitening advantages

Teeth whitening offers a numerous amount of benefits for yourself and your teeth, as well as improving your confidence of brighter and whiter teeth, it can:

Dramatically improve the appearance of teeth – The reason for the increase in popularity for teeth whitening is the ease of improving a person’s smile; teeth appear healthier and more attractive.

Boost confidence – Dull teeth can have an impact on a person’s confidence, about themselves and their mood. Whiter teeth will encourage a person to smile more, naturally boosting their confidence and feel-good factor.

Appeal to others – The appearance of someone’s teeth can potentially be a defining factor on whether people may want to interact with that person. It also has the possibility to benefit any job offers; where customer interaction is involved, employers and employees will want to make the best impression possible.

Prove affordable – Another dominant factor for teeth whitening being such a popular choice is the fact it is quite an affordable option, for a beauty enhancement that has the ability to change a person’s entire face.

Promote a healthy lifestyle – Teeth that are visibly whiter are known to be associated with healthy living. Those that do have whiter teeth are known to smile more and seem to be less self-conscious when interacting in social situations.

Minimise wrinkles – Whiter smiles tend to have the ability of minimising the appearance of facial wrinkles, thus making a person appear youthful.

Teeth whitening does not have any potentially dangerous side effects; teeth that do need whitening are mostly those that have been stained.
Whiter teeth give a new-found confidence in people that acquire them and that will gradually translate in a person’s lifestyle as they begin to smile more.

Please visit our website to view our teeth whitening kits and further information about your way to a brighter smile.

Home teeth whitening

Home teeth whitening

In recent years home teeth whitening has become increasingly popular in Britain and in Europe. Home teeth whitening first became popular in America in the early 1990’s which saw the transition from in office professional treatments to the rapid increase and demand for home treatments. As consumers have become more focused on beauty and cosmetic products the demand for home teeth whitening products has increased 10 fold, with UK consumers spending more each year.

There are various reasons why people opt for home teeth whitening, however the vast majority want to improve the natural colour of their teeth, or remove stubborn stains and discoloration. The colour of the tooth can deteriorate due to life style choices such as drinking red wine, coffee, fizzy drinks, and the number one contributor to discoloured teeth, smoking. Poor dental hygiene can also cause teeth to become discoloured due to plaque build up and deposits which become stained. Genetics and age can also have a detrimental effect on the colour of teeth which has given rise to the popular use of home teeth whitening products.

 Home teeth whitening or professional whitening?

With thousands of dental practises performing procedures in Britain, why choose home teeth whitening?  In office whitening procedures in the UK are mainly conducted in dental practises or beauty spa and salon environments. Dental practises, in most cases will use a hydrogen peroxide gel as the effects are faster acting, the patient will then be given a Carbamide peroxide kit to take home.

Hydrogen peroxide is around 3 times stronger than Carbamide peroxide which means that the wearing time is much reduced. Carbamide peroxide gels are available in the following strength 10% 16% 22% 35% and now 44% however not all of these strengths are available in Europe. In office treatments can cost anything between £85- £1000 plus, and with such a hefty price tag it is understandable why many people are opting for home treatments.

Home teeth whitening first became popular in the USA when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled teeth whitening products as a beauty product and therefore did not require prescription.  The FDA has ruled teeth whitening kits containing peroxide safe for home use. From this point millions of home teeth whitening kits have been sold worldwide.

However, it is important to understand what is the best approach to suit your own needs before deciding upon which home teeth whitening products are best for you.

 Which home teeth whitening option is best for you?

There are a few things that need to be considered when deciding which teeth whitening option is best for your needs.


Your age can affect the type of whitening treatment required, as we get older the tooth enamel starts to thin and becomes more translucent which means that dentine below the tooth surface which is naturally yellow begins to show. In order to lighten the dentine, peroxide will need to be in contact with the tooth to allow the peroxide to pass through the tooth structure and bleach the dentine.

Age groups 25-35

Within this age group most stains are likely to be extrinsic, which are external stains caused by food and drink, and therefore the whitening occurs at an accelerated rate.

22% Carbamide peroxide with 20 applications totalling 20 hours is considered to be an effective wear time to get full results. However whitening should occur within the first 3-5 days within this age group.

If you suffer with sensitivity the wear time can be reduced, however it should be noted that with Carbamide peroxide whitening only begins to take place after 20 minutes.

In addition to this 10% Carbamide peroxide treatment can be used for longer periods of time. 10% gels are best for night home teeth whitening, whereby custom fit lab trays are worn over night with the 10% gel.

 Age groups 35-45

Within this age group the discoloration may occur due to a combination of extrinsic (external) and intrinsic (internal) stains. Depending on the type of staining you may wish to opt for 22% Carbamide peroxide. If the stains are intrinsic the wearing time may be greatly increased progressing beyond 30 days.

 50 Plus

Within this age group it is important to ensure that the right type of treatment is selected for home teeth whitening. Realistic expectations must be set; as we get older the overall colour of our teeth starts to deteriorate.  Within this age range the dentine becomes more prominent and can show through the surface of the tooth enamel. The likelihood of gum disease and gum recession is prevalent which means that careful consideration should be given when opting for home teeth whitening, if you suffer with any of the above then professional treatment carried out by a dental professional would be the best option.

If you suffer with tooth sensitivity it is recommended that you reduced the wear time of 22% Carbamide peroxide, or choose an overnight home teeth whitening option.


Many people that have discoloured teeth caused by tetracycline are often very disappointed with the results from both personal and home teeth whitening. The reason for this mainly is due to the unrealistic expectation. The American Dental Association suggests that 2-6 months of night whitening, using 10% Carbamide peroxide will return adequate results.

We hope that this post has been informative and gives you a better understanding of home teeth whitening.

Until next time, Always Think Bizzle and Smile.

Is teeth whitening safe

Is teeth whitening safe?

Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular with consumers buying 11 billion personal care and cosmetic products each year in the USA and 5 billion in Europe. As. In the USA the teeth whitening industry changed by the late 1980’s due to the change in dental prescribed bleaching products, whereby application occurred within the home, using trays. However, the question begs, is teeth whitening safe?

To understand if teeth whitening is safe, we first must understand what teeth whitening entails. Teeth whitening is the process of restoring the colour of the tooth back to its natural  shade, teeth bleaching is the process of whitening the tooth beyond the natural colour, according to the American Dental Association.  Teeth whitening products primarily use either Hydrogen Peroxide or Carbamide Peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide is mostly used by dentists and by professionals; the reason for this is that Hydrogen Peroxide is around 3 times stronger than Carbamide Peroxide.

According to the American Dental Association, in office treatments contain levels of Hydrogen Peroxide from 15% – 38%, which are considerably high levels. Most American home teeth whitening kits which comprise of only Hydrogen peroxide contain levels ranging between 3% and 10% (Carbamide equivalent of approximately 10% – 30%). Carbamide Teeth whitening kits range from 10%, 16%, 22%, 35%, 36% and 44%, with the latter being around the equivalent of 15% hydrogen Peroxide. So what level of peroxide is safe for home use?

 Is teeth whitening safe for home use?

Yes teeth whitening is safe for home application and use, as with any cosmetic or personal care products, due care should always be taken when using peroxide and teeth whitening gels. As cited by the American Dental Association “data accumulated over the last 20 years including some long-term clinical study follow ups, indicate no significant long term oral, or systemic health risks associated with professional at home tooth bleaching materials”. Years of research show that peroxide at home teeth whitening kits have no adverse affects on the fluorescence and translucency of enamel or dentine, I.E thinning of the enamel.

Conclusion:  is teeth whitening safe?

Is teeth whitening safe, yes, are there precautions you should take before considering if teeth whitening is right for you, always. Teeth whitening should only be performed on healthy teeth, you should also be free of any gum complaints such as gum recession, gingivitis (gum disease) if you have any concerns about your teeth you should consult your dentist prior to any whitening.

We have thousands of happy customers that use our products with maximum results with safety at the forefront. We are always happy to answer any of your questions please contact us for more details.

Best whitening toothpaste

Best whitening toothpaste

Best whitening toothpaste? Money well spent or a waste of time?

As Britons are spending more and more on health and beauty each year it is no surprise that cosmetic dentistry and treatments are increasing at an exponential rate. As we become more conscious about our god givens, we look for ways to improve our appearance. Whitening tooth pastes have been on the market for years however, are the advances in technology improving the overall effectiveness. We are going to look at the best whitening toothpastes and review.

 So what is considered to be the best whitening toothpaste?

BlanX White Shock Formula LED

BlanX White Shock toothpaste contains a patented ingredient called Actilux®, BlanX claim that the Actilux® reacts to light to help whiten teeth naturally. The toothpaste comes with a LED light; the toothpaste passes through the light to activate the whitening properties. The LED light can be placed in front of the teeth for 1 minute for additional whitening.

Our users found that this product did work, with an improvement of 1 shade lighter in some cases. While this may not be a dramatic improvement, some improvement is better than none. Some of our users said that this product cleaned the teeth very well but did not improve the colour of their teeth.

Rating: 2/5


Price: £7.49

Swiss Dent Extreme Whitening Toothpaste 

Swiss Dent Extreme Whitening Toothpaste contains patented Nanotechnology, Baking Soda,Flourine and  micronised calcium peroxide (Nanoxyd®). Swiss Dent claims to efficiently whiten teeth with the addition of Extra baking soda to boost cleaning. This product also contains co-enzyme Q10 and Vitamin E to help protect the gums.

Our users found better results with this product; this might be because the product does contain a percentage of peroxide which does whiten teeth. Our uses said that there was a noticeable difference in the removal of tough stains. Is this the best whitening toothpaste?

Rating: 3/5


Price £15.35

Rembrandt Deeply White

Could this be considered the best whitening toothpaste? Rembrandt claims that this toothpaste not only cleans the surfaces of the tooth but whitening occurs by penetrating beyond the tooth surface. Rembrandt also claim that their toothpaste has micro polishers that lift tough red wine, coffee and tobacco stains and prevent recurrence of unwanted discoloration.

This product has been put to the test and we found that users didn’t like the fact that this tube of toothpaste came half full; at this price consumers expected more. However in regards to overall results users gave mixed reviews stating that they found improved whiteness, but this was due to having to use the product 3 times a day.

Rating 3.9/5 (51 reviews)


Price £8.31, 50ml

Colgate Optic White

Colgate has unleashed its new whitening toothpaste, but is it the best? We will see, Colgate claims that this toothpaste whitens more than 3 shades*, and yes that is an asterisk (*) with results showing within 1 week.

Users put this product to the test and found again, that the views were very mixed, with some users claiming no whitening took place at all, and that their mouths felt unclean after use, and had to use a regular tooth paste to actually clean their teeth. In contrast we had users that loved the product and saw noticeable whiteness after a few months use with no irritation.

Rating 3.5/5 (37 reviews)


Price £5.59

So what did the experts think, what did they consider to be the best whitening toothpaste? Well the experts were unanimous in their decision, that these tooth pastes can remove surface stains, however the term “whitening” is misleading consumers. Dr. Vincent Mayher, a Haddonfield, N.J., dentist and the past president of the Academy of General Dentistry says that unlike trays and whitening strips the toothpaste can only reach the surface. Dr. Vincent Mayher adds that bleaches in toothpaste are useless as they get rinsed away before they can take effect.

Bleaches become active after around 15 minutes, therefore it is doubtful that you will see any real improvements in the colour of your teeth. So why can manufactures make such outlandish claims if the facts don’t stack up. Well let’s go back to Colgate’s claims of 3 shades (*) whiter.  Using an asterisk usually indicates a “but” or an “if”. I.E if your teeth have never been brushed in your life then you may get up to 3 shades whiter. Or it could simply refer to 3 shades whiter in test conditions.

We found out that most manufactures test the whitening toothpaste on Perspex and not actual human teeth. They then soak the Perspex in the toothpaste for 10 minutes, which is longer than anybody brushes. After this the Perspex is then tested with spectrophotometer, not the human eye and then Veolia!!!! We have 3 shades whiter, Perspex that is, not teeth.

The bottom line

What is the best whitening toothpaste you ask, we’d say inconclusive If you really want to improve the colour of your teeth and achieve deep whitening, we invite you to visit our store, and check out our products, we believe that we have some of the best teeth whitening kits on the market.

Happy whitening

Always Think Bizzle & Smile

Best teeth whitening products

  • 10 syringe teeth whitening gel refill

    Make your teeth whiter with these 100 ml teeth whitening gels, the gels can be used to top up on any previous teeth whitening treatment or as a first time treatment for those who already have pre-fitted dental trays.This set is perfect for those that whiten teeth professionally, we have thousands of professional clients that…

  • 5 syringe teeth whitening gel refill

    Make your teeth whiter with these 50 ml teeth whitening gels, the gels can be used to top up on any previous teeth whitening treatment or as a first time treatment for those who already have pre-fitted dental trays.This set is perfect for those that whiten teeth professionally, we have thousands of professional clients that…

  • Dream Gleam Pro

    Our stunning new teeth whitening kit from our Dream Gleam pro range can dramatically change your smile beyond 8 shades, we can get you whiter and brighter results with this teeth whitening kit ,this new kit boasts a 16 LED USB powered light that breaks down stains and accelerates the whitening process like no other. Our kits and teeth…

  • 36% extreme teeth whitening gel single refill

    Our Extreme Carbamide Peroxide teeth whitening  gel can boost the overall whitening, with astounding results up to 10 shades whiter in half the time of our standard teeth whitening gel.  This product will rival any professional teeth whitening kit, Join our list of thousands of happy customers; this product up until now has only been available…

  • Deluxe single syringe teeth whitening kit

    Why not treat yourself to a little luxury, our deluxe teeth whitening kits can be used for first timers and experienced customers alike. Our kits and gels offer the very best teeth whitening technology. The inclusion of the accelerating blue light will have your teeth dazzling in no time at all. The deluxe kit includes…


What are the best teeth whitening products?

Teeth whitening is taking consumers by storm and is becoming evermore popular. There was a time where effective teeth whitening treatments were only available from highly priced cosmetic dental surgeries and high-end beauty spas. However, times have changed, and so has teeth whitening. More and more products are becoming available to the general public for home use, which begs the question, what are the best teeth whitening products? Well this depends on a few factors, the results you are trying to achieve, the time you have available and the current level of discolouration to your teeth.

Various products have been reviewed to give you an overall objective guide to the best teeth whitening products. The expert advice has been sought by leading dentist Dr Stemmer on an array of products as well as a combination of consumer reviews.


Let’s take a look at best teeth whitening products


 Rapid white 

Rapid white have produced various products which claim to whiten your teeth at home. Their products range from one week treatments, two week treatments and Blue light treatments. We have taken a look at the Blue light treatment which is a non-peroxide whitening kit to be used for 14 days.

Product list:

6ml accelerator

10ml whitening gel

175ml neutraliser

Rapid Blue light with batteries

Shade card and instructions.

Expert opinion:

It has been said that the ingredients in this product will whiten the teeth to a degree, however some product features have been deemed to be “little more than a gimmick”. The product is also described by Dr Stemmer as having acidic values which can have a detrimental effect on the tooth, this is not the best teeth whitening product, available on the market.


Rating 3/10


Crest 3D Professional Effects whitening strips

Ok, we tried Crest 3D professional effects whitening strips, were they any good? They are not bad!! In fact this was the first teeth whitening treatment we ever tried many moons ago on USA import, as this product is still not available in the UK. But what is the best teeth whitening product?

We were very impressed by the first crest whitening strips we tried back in 2006. Notwithstanding, back then teeth whitening was very hard to come by unless you had £600 spare. Crest strips do work, and they are convenient as you can wear them in public (as long as you don’t mind the temporary lisp)

Crest do make a stronger version called crest supreme which contains 14% hydrogen peroxide which is much more effective, these can only be purchased from a dentist, however, you may be able to buy online.

Consumer opinion

This product returns good results, however the whitening only seems to occur on the outer surface of the tooth, whilst the nooks and crannies seem to avoid whitening, which means you can spend between £43.99 – £56.99 for varied results. If you smoke or have coffee stains this may not be the best teeth whitening products to get the results you desire.


Rating 6/10


 Dr George

Dr George’s dental white home teeth whitening system.

Dr George’s system claims to get your teeth whiter up to 11 shades within 3 weeks. This system contains hydrogen peroxide, and therefore should have the ability to whiten teeth. This product contains the following

120ml gel solution

1 application syringe

1 set of boil and bite trays

1 blue light

Costing £32.99

Expert opinion

Dr Stemmer has advised that this product will whiten teeth, due to the levels of hydrogen peroxide, however Dr Stemmer expressed concerns over how the gel is to be applied.

Whilst it is noted that boil and bite trays are not going to fit as securely as custom dental trays, we believe that they are a second best, and if used properly by not over filling the trays, great results can be achieved.

Rating 7/10



Think Bizzle and Smile

Think Bizzle and Smile Double Deluxe teeth whitening kit contains Carbamide peroxide (CP) and will have a dramatic effect on the overall colour of teeth. This product comes in two strengths 10% CP and 22% CP. The use of blue light accelerates the whitening processes. This whitening product costs £33.99 and has been developed in Los Angeles and is used within the dental industry in the USA.

This product contains the following:

20ml carbamide whitening gel 2 syringes

Accelerating Blue Light with batteries

3 thermoforming dental trays

Shade card and Instructions

Consumer opinion

Our customer feedback and ratings for this product is very high, our customers’ love this product because of the effective formula used, which means that teeth whitening can be achieved cost effectively with professional results.


Consumer rating 8/10



SDI Polanight is a leading brand and is considered one of the big hitters in teeth whitening. This product is used by dentist as an in office treatment costing anywhere from £300-£400. Polanight offer a range of carbamide peroxide gels and hydrogen peroxide gels.

Expert opinion:

Dr Davinder has said that he has used the product for many years on his patients and has never had any negative feedback regarding the results. Dr Davinder has said that this product cannot be purchased over the counter, and if not purchased directly from your dentist, a thorough check should be completed.

We sought the views of numerous users of Polanight, the majority of the consumers said the product worked very well, and that they would recommend the product. Some users found the product to show very little improvement. However teeth whitening does not work for everyone.


Expert rating 8/10


So we come to the end of our review and hope that you gained comprehensive insight which will help you identify what are the best teeth whitening products for you. You might well ask why we have reviewed our teeth whitening products with others. Well that’s simple, our customer’s love our products and we believe that our products are just as good as any found in the best dental clinics world wide.

Until next time folks,

Always Think Bizzle and Smile.


How to improve the colour of yellow teeth

How to improve the colour of yellow teeth

Yellow teeth and general discolouration is a common occurrence, this is sometimes associated with poor oral hygiene which can lead to a build up of plaque, and stains which are not removed due to poor or infrequent brushing and flossing. Whilst poor oral hygiene can cause yellow teeth, this isn’t the sole cause, let’s take a look at some other factors for discolouration.

Food and drink:

Some of our favourite beverages can have a lasting effect other than the initial taste sensation. Drinks such as tea, coffee, fizzy soda’s, red wine, and various fruit and vegetable juice like red grape and tomato juice can have an undesired effect on the colour of your teeth. Whilst some drinks can be reduced, we would never advise cutting out or reducing healthy low sugar juices. To prevent yellow teeth from healthy beverages a straw can be used to limit the contact between tooth enamel.


We are all aware of the health risks associated to smoking, and it should be avoided or reduced where possible in an effort to improve overall hygiene and health.  Nicotine and tar can play havoc with the colouring of teeth and over time, smokers may not only notice yellow teeth, but a build up of tar deposits which stick to the surface of the tooth, and is very noticeable in between the teeth.


Antibiotics tetracycline and doxycycline can cause teeth to become yellow when the medication is given to children while their teeth are still in development, causing discoloration in adulthood.


Is some cases the colour of our teeth is just simply down to our genetic makeup, and if you have yellow teeth, you may have your ancestors to thank. Some people have thinner enamel which means that the dentine within the tooth structure is more visible giving the tooth a yellow appearance. Dental treatment Some materials such as sliver sulphide used in dental treatment can give a grey or black hue to the tooth.


It is inevitable that age has an effect on the structure and overall strength of the tooth. Due to this the majority of adults will find that over time the enamel becomes porous and thins, which means that the colour of the dentine within the tooth becomes visible giving the appearance of yellow teeth.


Serve Impact to the tooth during childhood and adulthood can cause discolouration and yellow teeth. In all cases teeth should be properly examined by a dentist to ensure there are no underlying problems.

So how can you prevent yellow teeth? well prevention is better than cure,  considering lifestyle choices can definitely have a benefit. Reducing or quitting smoking will obviously prevent discoloured teeth, as will reducing coffee and tea intake, as stated before drinking through a straw is a viable method to reduce yellow teeth.

Treatment for yellow teeth

However, if prevention is no longer an option for you, there are options such as teeth whitening or teeth bleaching. Teeth whitening is a process that restores the natural colour of the teeth, bleaching is a process of whitening beyond the natural colour which means you can get significant improvement if you suffer with yellow teeth. Teeth whitening can occur at a dental practice, or by using at home kits, which can have the very same effects if professional quality gels are used.

We understand how important it is to feel confident about your smile, we offer professional quality teeth whitening kits for home use that can help you achieve whitening up to 8 shades lighter.

Until next time, keep smiling. Always Think Bizzle and Smile

teeth bleaching kits

Teeth Bleaching Kits

Teeth Bleaching Kits

Teeth bleaching kits Vs teeth whitening kits, so what’s the difference you may ask? According to the American Dental Association, the difference is that whitening restores teeth to their natural colour, and bleaching takes the teeth beyond their natural colour.

This means that you get a more effective treatment with teeth bleaching kits, with deeper whitening, resulting in transformations anywhere from 8 to 10 shades lighter. Results of bleaching does vary depending on the level of straining and overall age, however the process is much more effective with the use of teeth bleaching kits, as apposed to whitening kits.

Teeth bleaching kits will contain either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. However for home use carbamide peroxide is frequently used where as hydrogen peroxide is mostly used for in office treatment, the patient will be given carbamide peroxide to take home to continue the treatment.

So what’s the right treatment for you? Well that really depends on the results you are trying to achieve. If you want to achieve a slight improvement in colour or have teeth sensitivity then you may benefit from non peroxide based gels. However if you want the “glamour” whitening effect, then a carbamide peroxide teeth bleaching kits will give you the results you desire.

Think Bizzle and Smile offer teeth bleaching kits that contain carbamide peroxide, we offer a choice of 10% gels or 22% gels which have been approved by the FDA for safe home use. So if it’s a Hollywood smile that you want, check out our bleaching kits.

Until next time, always Think Bizzle and Smile